
LOL Champion Concept: Maereo

Deviation Actions


Literature Text

Name: Maereo, Mourner of the Mist

Role: Support
Secondary: Mage

Female, Undead-Human

Residence: Maereo hails from the Shadow Isles (Formerly known as the Blessed Isles)

Friends: Yorick, Kalista
Enemies: Mordekaiser, Karthus, Hecarim, Thresh

Health: 523 (+87)      
Attack Damage: 51 (+2.5)
Health Regen: 5.340 (+0.35)     
Attack Speed: 0.635 (+1.0%)
Mana: 340 (+55)     
Armor: 26 (+2)
Mana Regen: 6.600 (+ 0.25)  
Magic Resist: 26 (+2)
Range: Ranged
Movement Speed: 335

Passive: Shade-Sisterhood
As the former leader of a group of holy-nuns, Maereo can call the corrupted spirits of her fellows to the battlefield, called "Shades", who aid her in battle. The shades come forward to empower Maereo's spells. (20 second cool-down, reduced statically by 2 seconds for each rank of her ult)
Q-When used on an enemy: A Shade travels with the cloud. Increases the damage of the spell by 10% (+1% for each 75 AP).
Q-When used on an ally: A Shade travels with the ally and adds a slight movement speed boost for a few seconds.
W- A Shade mimics Maereo's action after a brief delay. (Deals reduced damage if striking the same target as the initial spell.)
E- A Shade empowers the center-forward of the cone, fearing Champion-class units struck by that section. (And that section only)
R- A Shade screams alongside Maereo, causing a secondary blast that deals reduced damage.

Q: Banshee's Exhale (Range:700) (MP Cost:80) (Cool-Down: 20/19/18/17/16 Seconds)
Active: Maereo breathes a cloud of blue poisonous mist that travels straight forward in a line at a moderate speed, which passes through and affects all units in its path. Enemies who come in contact with it are damaged and briefly slowed. Allies who come in contact with it are slightly healed. The cool-down is reduced by 1 second for each unit hit along the way.
Passive: The power of the heal is boosted if Maereo herself comes in contact with the cloud as it travels.

W: Claws of Anguish (Range:400 -Size of Both Cone-shaped radii) (MP Cost:40/45/50/55/60) (Cool-Down: 10 Seconds)
Active: Maereo magically lengthens her nails and slashes in a "one-two" fashion, damaging units in the two cone-shaped radii she aims in. 

E: Reeling Cry (Range:500-Radius of the scream's area-of-effect; Range:290 -Maereo's range to use the scream) (MP Cost:60/65/70/75/80) (Cool-Down: 15/14/13/12/11 Seconds)
Active: Maereo lets out a Banshee scream, damaging units in the large cone-shaped radius and fearing non-champion units.

R: Mourn of the Damned (Range:650) (MP Cost:120) (Cool-Down:130/120/110 Seconds)
Active: After channeling for 1.25 seconds, Maereo unleashes an explosive cry of magic power, greatly damaging all in the radius around her.


Maereo was once a human being, capable of emotions other than consuming mourn and hatred, as well as other negative traits. She was once a resident of the Blessed Isles, before its corruption. She was the leader of a group of holy nuns that aided those having difficulty in accepting the passing of their loved ones to come to grips and move on. This allowed the spirit themselves to have rest, as sensing the emotions of their loved ones tethered them, causing them to stay in this world rather than moving on to the next. Now she is a Banshee, the only one of her sisterhood that still has a physical form, while the souls of her sisters writhe within her constantly, uttering words of hatred towards the living. She is consumed with regret at what her actions did to her sisters, while also feeling endless hatred towards those who corrupted and defiled her home. She is constantly torn between two viewpoints: Her own desire to save the members of her group, and any other poor souls afflicted by the evils of the Black Mist; and the constant whisperings of her corrupted sisters and their desire to cause more pain and suffering through it. However, the longer she continues her unnatural existence, the more she forgets her desire to free her home, and the more she gives in to the want to submit to the dark wants of her corrupted sisters and her own corrupted soul.

In the now long-forgotten halcyon-days of the Blessed Isles...

"Lady Maereo, I have a message for you. The general has returned, with her king in-tow."

Maereo turned her attention away from the natural beauties of her island-home to hear her sister's message. She silently motioned the woman to deliver the remainder of her message.

"Even now, he stands at the heart of the Citadel, making rash demands. The master has sent for us, hoping we might be able to aid this grief-stricken man in accepting the natural order of life and death."

Maereo stood, and her attendants stood with her. She looked them over silently, knowing each knew what she was going to say, and would not disagree with it.

"If the Hierarchy have sent for us, we must not deny their call. Let us go, and see if we may aid in assuaging this poor man's sorrows."

Her sisters nodded, and they proceeded forward towards the city at the heart of their island-nation. As they neared the white tower that acted as its center, a unholy black mist spilled forth from it, twisting and spinning like a spiral that meant certain death to all that encountered it. Before any of them could react, Maereo and the members of her sisterhood were engulfed by it, and felt the anguished cries of countless spirits wailing at them as it spiraled around them. In an effort to save her sisters, Maereo spoke the incantation for a powerful protection-spell, hastily planning to sacrifice her own soul in the process, but the unnatural magical energies around them corrupted the spell as it left her mouth. Rather than protecting her sisters, it forcibly tore their spirits from their body, and caused Maereo's own body to osmose them into her own being. Maereo's own cries of pain at this event were overshadowed by the banshee-like screams of her sisters. The amalgamation of all these souls altered Maereo's flesh, turning it the shade of blue that the many spirits of the Shadow Isles now wear with such pride. Her body writhed and convulsed involuntarily as changes began to make themselves apparent. Her finger-bones lengthened and sharpened, red with Maereo's own blood as they tore through the flesh. She coughed up blood from the pains she was feeling, and the blood took the shape of a blackish-blue smoke or mist that caused anything it passed by to wilt and die.

Finally, the pain overwhelmed her senses, and Maereo let out a cry that leveled a portion of the area around her as she fell to the ground.

When she came to, she was horrified at what greeted her sight. Where once was beauty and peace, was now terror and constant anguish. Her mind was suddenly assaulted by whisperings of numerous voices, voices whom she recognized. She looked around, trying to find where the voices were coming from.

"Sisters, where are you? I... I can hear you. You... need help. Where are you, so I may aid you?"

This inquiry was only answered by banshee-like screams which caused Maereo to grasp her head in pain. In so doing, she let out a cry of her own that somehow silenced the cries around her.

"She still overpowers us..."

"Then she still leads us..."

"But our purpose has changed..."

"Because of the pain caused to us, we will cause pain to others..."


Maereo couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her own sisters and friends, desirous to inflict pain rather than stem its flow. And to her own supreme horror, she found herself agreeing with them! The pain in her head subsided, and she stood up, looking forward with her eyes glowing under her hood via an unnatural light. But suddenly, an unfathomable feeling of regret came over her, and she fell to her knees and gripped her no-longer beating heart in anguish. This was mixed with a hatred that burned as her eyes fell upon the now ruined and dilapidated tower. She would find those responsible for this, and she would inflict the pains of regret upon them with her new powers. Climbing back to her feet and silencing the voices and feelings within her through sheer force of will, Maereo stepped forward and disappeared into the Black Mist.


I mourn for the coming suffering.

They will know my pain.
I give them suffering.
Grieve with us.
This is... This is not my desire!
Where are those responsible...
This sorrow... it's unbearable!
Join in our mournings.
*Grunts in pain* No... Be Still!
No ear can stop the cry of a Banshee.
The beauty of those days, I can hardly recall them...
Every day I remember that beautiful past less...

Regret... that you crossed my path.
Shade-Sisters, obey my commands!
Now you will share our pain!
What you will have... is sorrow!
Writhe in grief!
Nothing compared to what awaits them...
Look, Sisters; A new plaything.
My sisters will enjoy toying with your spirit.

N-No... flee from me! Save yourself!
No! Not another victim!

Using Banshee's Exhale (Towards Enemies)
*Breathes and Exhales deeply*
A gift for you...
A respiration of death...
Go sister, and revel in their fear.
(When passive effect is added) 

Using Banshee's Exhale (Towards Allies)
Drink in of this energy.
A soothing breath for you.
It heals... if I desire it to.
(If Maereo comes in contact with the cloud)
Aid them, sister. (When passive effect is added)

Using Claws of Anguish
Scar from my claws!
Show me your anguish!
Sister, follow my lead!
(When passive effect is added)

Using Reeling Cry
Reel in terror!
*Alternate Scream*
Away, Cowards!
(When passive effect is added)

Using Mourn of the Damned
*Starts softly weeping, and grows louder and angrier into a scream*
Now you will know... MY PAIN!
Weep... Weep as you die by my hand!
Let them know your rage, sister! (When passive effect is added)

Maereo reaches into her pocket and pulls out a makeup kit. A Shade-Sister appears, holding a mirror for her as she applies the makeup. The Shade-Sister then gives a thumbs-up to Maereo and vanishes. She is silent when by herself, but has a number of special interaction lines when near an allied Kalista or Yorick.

Joke Line near Kalista
Want some, Kalista? I'm sure it could help cover up those gaping wounds.
Vengeance must do wonders for your complexion. Perhaps I should try it sometime.
No dead man's going to date you with that angry look; let me help you pretty up!

Joke Line near Yorick
For a man, you pull off that shade of blue surprisingly well.
Always wanted to date a Gravedigger.
I think I'd be a much better date than that Maiden, you know.

Maereo snarls as she stretches out her arms to the sky, pointing her sharpened fingers skyward. Two Shade-Sisters appear at her side (One on each), silently screaming in the direction she faces.
You face a sisterhood of nightmares!
Mourn... that you face an army of Banshees!
Let us end your grief... by ending your life!

Taunting near an enemy Mordekaiser
Usurper. You do not deserve the powers of the Black Mist!
My sisters and I will enjoy ripping your soul apart!
When I find your skull, I won't bury it; I'll crush it!

Taunting near an enemy Karthus
What an imbecile you are to give up Life for this nightmare.
Your words ring as hollow as your bones.
I give you YOUR Requiem, Karthus!

Taunting near an enemy Hecarim
An Abomination will end this day.
I'll rip you in half with my screams!
My sisters cry out, wanting to hear your pain. I will appease them.

Taunting near an enemy Thresh
How about a taste of your own medicine, Thresh?
My sisters and I will JAIL you, torturer.
We will cry with joy at your sufferings when we inflict them, jailer.

Maereo and a number of her Shade-Sisters form a line and start performing the typical "Show-Girl" dance, as exemplified by the characters in "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" during the "Men In Tights" song.

Maereo laughs.

Recall Animation
Maereo falls to her knees and covers her face, and makes sounds as though she is weeping. But it turns slowly to an evil laugh as she looks skyward when the recall finishes.

Maereo falls backward to the ground and writhes and convulses about as the souls of her sisters fly out of a gaping hole of light in her body in all directions. She then falls limp to the ground as the light goes dark, and her body remains like that till she revives.
*Screams of pain that slowly grow weaker, and eventually she goes silent*
Graaahh! No! We are not... finished...
Release... AT LAST, RELEASE!

Character Relations

Kalista: Maereo feels sympathy for Kalista, as she knows that Kalista did not wish to cause what happened to the Blessed Isles, and wants to try to aid her in keeping her own personality and not be entirely overcome by the desire to be a pursuer of Vengeance. she hopes by trying to help another, she can keep herself free-willed as well.

Yorick: As shown by some of her quotes and in her lore, Maereo is appalled and disgusted by what has become of her home and herself. So she takes solace in what Yorick is trying to do. She wishes she could aid him, but knows her powers would only hinder his efforts, and so works to stop those that attempt to hinder him instead.

Mordekaiser: She feels an inexplicable sense of disgust towards Mordekaiser, thinking him to be a usurper and an unworthy wielder of the powers of the Black Mist.

Karthus: Maereo is utterly appalled that someone would willingly give themselves over to undeath, so she obviously has no patience or favor for Karthus.

Hecarim: Maereo feels no trust towards Hecarim, and feels as though (As well she should, since it is mostly the case) he is somehow responsible for what happened to the Blessed Isles.

Thresh: As a former giver of comfort, she dislikes that Thresh takes such joy in inflicting pain. But, as shown in some of her quotes and her lore, she is slowly slipping to the dark corrupting influence of the Black Mist, and is starting to take joy in it as well.
The next in my line of Champion Concepts: Maereo, the Mourner of the Mist. I did say in Verrat's profile that a Banshee-like character was my next attempted concept, and here it is! I plan to post this on the LOL Forums as well, and when I do, I'll try to remember to update this description to include a link to it.

Here's the link to the LOL Forum Post:…
(Let me know if the link doesn't work.)
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